Dr. Erwin D. Torres, ND, Ph.D.
Naturopathic Medicine, Microbiologist
Fellow - International Alternative Medical Association
License Accupunturist
Life Member - Phil. Society for Microbiology
Life Member - Phil. College for the Advancement in Medicine
Global Wellness Ambassador - Philippines
Dr. Erwin started his career as a volunteer in the Hospice Care Unit of the Philippine General Hospital in Manila after he finished his Naturopathic Medicine course from Indian Institute of Alternative Medicine in Calcutta, India. This is to make him familiar with the system of conventional medicine approach to cancer and other life-threatening diseases. He conducts trainings and seminars for the nurses and other staff of PGH about integrative and complementary medicine practices that could help them in the management of patient. He studied Traditional Chinese Medicine in China and attended local certification course for TCM to obtained license in the practice of Acupuncture.
Dr. Erwin continue to study different system of alternative medicine here and abroad attending various seminars and trainings to further enhance his knowledge about different medical and traditional practices. He is involved in the development of the training module for massage therapy as consultant and resource person of Health Care Industry Training Council that was task by Technical Skills and Development Authority or TESDA to develop the curriculum for massage therapy. This curriculum later adopted by TESDA for NCII Certification.
In 2006, Dr. Erwin obtained his Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Alternative Medicine from International Open University for Complementary Medicine and later accepted as Fellow Member of the International Alternative Medical Association. He is also a life member of the Phil. Society for Microbiology and Phil. College for the Advancement in Medicine and serve also as one of the national officer as PRO and Convention Chairman of PCAM. In March 2014, he was chosen as Philippine Global Wellness Ambassador.
Currently, Dr. Erwin continuously teaching us and sharing his knowledge and insights about latest trends and practices in the complementary and integrative medicine through his radio program BASTA NATURAL.

Basta Natural
BASTA NATURAL is a radio program started on March 2004 anchored by Dr. Erwin D. Torres, a microbiologist, a doctor of naturopathy, and doctor of philosophy in alternative medicine. The program can be heard over DZEC 1062 kHz in mega Manila with relays in various local stations nationwide.
BASTA NATURAL is committed in giving relevant, useful and updated information about natural medicine that are proven to be safe and effective…... truly, commitment and service, the natural way!
