A holistic way to improving your health.
Radio Programs
Let's Begin Our Journey to Your Good Health - Together!
Welcome to my website, i am so excited to be able to share with you my passion for holistic and complementary medicine.
We will talk about how to achieve and maintain your optimal health, Naturally!
We will discuss the safest and most effective ways to optimize the functioning of our body thus optimizing our health.
In this site, you will see my insights on natural and complementary medicine, you will learn about safe, natural therapies that i have found effective in my practice of natural medicine. we will look at the mechanism of how natural medicine works and compare it with drugs, so that we can decide or determine which are the most appropriate treatment.
I do not wish to imply that there is no place for drugs and modern medicine. We know that there are side effects of drugs, we know that these drugs do nothing to treat the underlying cause of illness, nor do they promote health. There are commonly prescribed drugs that are not necessary and are simply sham therapies.
Understand that when you need a doctor, only a doctor will do. If you are severely injured in a car accident, you need a skilled doctor or surgeon - not the best herbalist in the world.
My goal is to provide you with all the information you need to improved your health as well as your family; to give you detailed and relevant information about natural health, give tips on prevention, healthy cooking, home remedies and life style modification, my comments and insights on the latest or current trends and issues on health; to provide you with the information you need to make the best health decision.
Join me in my Journey to Good Health, Naturally!

Dr Erwin D. Torres, ND, Ph.D.
Basta Natural
Monday to Friday 7pm - 8pm
Saturday 2:30pm - 4pm
Available Health Products
Essential C
Essential B
Essential A
Grapeseed Oil 1000mg